A colouring sheet for all the volunteers!
Here is a colouring sheet for the people who are volunteering at the moment to say thank you to them. We know lots of people are going the extra mile at the moment and spreading kindness. They could be delivering food, walking pets, making PPE, fundraising, picking up prescriptions, talking and checking in and all the other incredible acts of kindness people are doing every day. We wanted to say a big thank you! Our community has come together through this time and it really is wonderful how much we care.
Feel free to download this colouring in sheet, print out and display in your window.
Colouring in sheet commissioned by Made in Ashford designed by Tinybeegle.
Feel free to download this colouring in sheet, print out and display in your window.
Colouring in sheet commissioned by Made in Ashford designed by Tinybeegle.